
How to Teach a Horse Piaffe Part 2

www.taranolanhorses.com Tara shares the next step she is going through to teach Donzer Piaffe. She is asking for half-steps on the right front leg. Tara is focusing on making a clear aid that Donzer understands. Right now the communication is still fuzzy.

www.taranolanhorses.com Tara shares the next step she is going through to teach Donzer Piaffe. She is asking for half-steps on the right front leg. Tara is focusing on making a clear aid that Donzer understands. Right now the communication is still fuzzy.

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Date: 11/30/16

How to Teach a Horse Piaffe Part I

www.taranolanhorses.com I am learning how to teach my horse piaffe this winter. I am going to share the steps with you as I learn them. Step 1 is teaching your horse to lift each leg when you tap it.

www.taranolanhorses.com I am learning how to teach my horse piaffe this winter. I am going to share the steps with you as I learn them. Step 1 is teaching your horse to lift each leg when you tap it.

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Date: 11/30/16