New Invention - Horse Tail Lights - LED light strips for horses tail allowing for high visibility

7 years ago
Team Xplore's picture

LED light strips with pre-set or optional colors that cascade through a horses tail allowing for high visibility, day or night.
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Tail Lights are a revolutionary LED lighting system for horses that uses color, and style, to keep horses and rider visible during any type of weather or lighting levels.

Placed on a specialized velcro tail wrap, the lights drape through the horses tail for maximum eyeline visibility, beauty, and aesthetics. We have included as an option to purchase our custom designed storage/saddle bag for those who do not have one already. Dress your horse and do it in style, all the while being safely visible while riding.

Every day riders have to navigate along busy roads to make it to a trail. More often than not, and depending on the time of year, riders find themselves returning at dusk and back to the barn in the dark. Despite ineffective reflectors, and without adequate lighting, horses are often not seen by motorists until it is too late. Tail Lights will change the way we see horses, and their riders, at any time of the day...or night.

Other uses for Tail Lights

Endurance Riders - With a battery life of over 15 hours, and as long as 26 hours, (depending on the setting) you will feel confident that Tail Lights will have you covered no matter where you are in the race.
Rodeo and Performance Groups - Get your bling on! Be remembered and be flashy as you streak by with your custom colors and lighting patterns.
Carriage Drivers - Be beautiful as well as safe. Attach them to the back of your carriage for a brilliant, unavoidable, effect.
Mounted Police - With police only patterns utilizing blue and red, Tail Lights will make you stand out in a crowd. We have designed our product to let you signal when you are standing by (slow shifting from blue to red) or engaged (Blue/Red strobing pattern with the same timing of a police vehicle). This is for POLICE only, and all requests for this color scheme MUST come with a departmental letter head and authorization from the Police Department to be shipped.
Mini's to Drafts - If it has a tail, Tail Lights will work. We have even designed shorter sets for our smaller friends, so they will be just as bright!
We Have Come Along Way...

For the last 4 years, we have made many prototypes and different components were tested with various levels of success and failure. Most of the materials out there are either not bright enough, or the battery life simply could not keep up with our demands.

We now have the best design using the right materials.

4 years ago, after a long day of trail riding, Sami and her friend were riding both of Sami's horses back to the barn. Despite living in an equestrian community, wearing reflectors and other safety gear, Sami's horse that her friend was riding, was hit by a car.

From that moment on, Sami has worked to create the worlds first equestrian illumination system.

Sami has taken all of her experience from 38 years of working both personally and professionally in the equestrian community and created a beautiful, colorful, and durable answer to reflectors alone. Her years as a Mounted Search and Rescuer in rural Montana, has helped her incorporate not only beauty and fun into the unit, but safety as well. With 3 different levels of lighting for comfort of the horses, as well as during emergency situations, Tail Lights has it all.

Video used with permission. Video Copyright (c) of its respective owner.

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